Consumer FAQs
Dashible is a service that helps you find deals, join loyalty programs and earn rewards at local businesses in your city.
Just enroll in a business' Dashible loyalty program then visit the business and earn a loyalty star. Dashible will credit you with 200 Satoshis for every loyalty star you receive. You can only receive Bitcoin once per business per day. You will need to earn at least 2,000 Satoshis and the number of Satoshis being transferred to you must have an value of $1.00 or more.
We use the exchange rate provided by Bitcoin is sometimes volatile and the exchange rate may fluctuate during the day. Dashible cannot guarantee nor predict exchange rates. We will show the USD value of the Bitcoin you have earned. When you request a transfer, Dashible will transfer the Bitcoin to you using the approximate USD value of the Bitcoin at an exchange rate valid within 48 hours of your transfer request.
All Bitcoin transfers are done via Cash App. You MUST have a valid Cash App account that is eligible to receive bitcoin in order to receive a transfer. If you need a Cash App account please visit
Dashible is free for consumers.
You must be at the business location to redeem a deal. When you are ready to redeem the deal show the deal on your phone to the person at the business who is helping you. Make sure you let them see you tap the "Redeem" button on your phone. In some cases, you may be asked to use the Dashible app to scan a QR code presented by the business
You can only redeem a deal once.
When you swipe right on a deal that means you like it. These deals can then be found in the Yeah! folder in your Dashible app
When you swipe right on a deal that means you don’t like it. These deals can then be found in the Nah! folder in your Dashible app just in case you change your mind.
Dashible lets you keep digital, contactless loyalty cards for your favorite local businesses in the Dashible app on your phone. The cards work similarly to the old fashioned paper loyalty cards but you get digital stamps. Never forget your loyalty cards at home again!
Just visit the business, make the required purchase and the business will present a QR code for you to scan with your Dashible app. You will then get 1 star. And Dashible will give you some Bitcoin
Dashible tracks the total number of Stars you have earned at all merchants and will change the color of your cards accordingly. There will special perks provided by Dashible based on the color of your card and how many total Stars you have earned.
- 1-29 Stars = Blue Cards
- 30-99 Stars = Orange Cards
- 100+ Stars = Black Cards
When you earn enough stars to complete your loyalty card, Dashible will place a deal for your Reward in the Loyalty Rewards folder in your Dashible App. You can redeem the deal just like you would any other Dashible Deal.
Once you complete a card Dashible will issue you another card. Each card has a number on the bottom right to indicate how many cards you have completed.
Some businesses will provide different rewards based on how many cards you have completed